Tales from the Vienna Woods

Yesterday I had the good fortune to see “Tales from the Vienna Woods” in the Josefstadt theater . What an amazing production, the ensemble was really impressive and the usually long play was well paced and entertaining. What was even more remarkable that the play was written in 1931, but has not lost anything from its up-to-dateness.

I remember reading the play in school and seeing it at the theater (hats off to my German teacher for forging my interest in all kinds of different cultural events). I cannot remember liking it or even forming an opinion about it. Yesterday it was beautiful, hauntingly familiar and in the end quite depressing that not a lot has changed. If you have a chance go and see it here.

Started a new book yesterday on my e-book reader called Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia. I might not be the target group for it cause it is a YA book, but as my favorite blog Lainey Gossip says: Those who dismiss the YA genre are shortsighted. Since I am already in real life, I cannot risk it in the literary world.

Until later, Pollybert

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