Home sweet home

Or is it? I am back in Vienna, back at work and my vacations seems far away already.

My last morning in Rio was pretty much uneventful. I said goodbye to the sea, under a grey and cloudy sky.

One last manicure and then I was basically off to the airport. Arrived in Vienna after an uneventful flight the next day around noon, went home by myself (why am I even wondering that I was not picked up) and it felt just so surreal. Being back in my own little world that can’t compare at all with what I have just experienced.

Looking back on these three weeks, I’ve just had the most amazing time. I want to do more traveling, I need to get out more. So I am focusing my energy on finding the time and the money to do just that.

Also I finished “Sarah’s Key” by Tatiana de Rosnay, which was very interesting. I didn’t know a lot about the involvement of the French police in the rounding up of the French Jews during WWII. I think historically it is quite accurate and the story itself goes along nicely. Although the love story in the present time was not so much my cup of tea.
At the moment I am still reading “A Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R.R. Martin. Love the tv series that’s how I started with it, but the book is so much better!!!

Will keep you posted about all my little adventures. Yours, Pollybert

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