What I learned in Yunnan

Every trip brings new insights and the Yunnan was no exception. Here is what I learned while traveling the Yunnan. Yours, Pollybert

1.) An astonishing amount of people speak English. I mean, it’s all relative. Because basically no one speaks English in China but in Yunnan you find some who do. So if you are afraid of traveling in China on your own, this is where to start.

2.) When it’s someone’s birthday, get up and sing along. You might even get a piece of cake.

3.) A birthday cake should be cut in as many pieces as there are people.

4.) Yunnan food in Beijing tastes different from in Yunnan. Has it been ‘Easternized’?

5.) I can’t hear one more word about vegan food and animal love.

6.) Drinking a beer in the evening helps with the sleeping. In great height it’s still not enough. Next time I have to up the beers.

7.) Umbrellas are a wonderful invention.

8.) It’s not enough to just look at the weather forecast of your destination, one should also look how high it lies. I learned this lesson by investing in waterproof shoes, jacket and down jacket.

9.) Sometimes one doesn’t need to go sightseeing at all. It’s also great to just relax at the hostel. After all it’s called vacation for a reason.

10.) You don’t need to speak the same language to make friends.

11.) I really don’t enjoy hiking, I just enjoy arriving! Being on top is an exhilarating feeling!


  1. Point 8: I know that “waterproof” is a relative notion and your shoes were not ☺

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