Late night arrival

The holidays started already auspicious, my friend Cat gave me a lift to the airport. Therefore we arrived quite early and I was with the first ones to wait. While waiting we started to talk to the guy behind us, and with him I then shared a beer at the airport and another one on board. Which was probably the best idea I ever had cause then I could sleep on the two-hour transfer from Izmir to my hotel Paloma Sultan Club.

007 Was in bed around 4am but woke up this morning to sunshine and later had this view from my breakfast table. As you can see the weather is working in my favor, already spent the first couple of hours at the pool. Next time I will definitely go to the beach though because I am officially old. The saying “If the music is too loud, you’re too old” is true for me.

Also got busy and booked my tours for the next couple of days. And here I learned that Troy is not around the corner from my hotel but should be done from Istanbul (something I missed twice already), also Pergamon is quite far although closer. So in the end I changed my plans and will go to Ephesos tomorrow and Pamukkale on Friday. The rest of the days I will stay and relax. Sounds like a plan to me.
So I leave you with some impressions from the beach and the luscious hotel grounds (real corny in a way). Yours, Pollybert

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Please note that Ă–zdere has its own sign resembling a lot the famous ‘Hollywood’ sign!014



  1. Pingback: Riding on a hot dog | living at the fullest

  2. Patricia Sylvia Bukovacz

    Brasov (Klausenburg) in Romania has the ‘Hollywood’ sign as well. Maybe we should petition for Kahlenberg to get one too ;-)

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