Breakfast at Kaffeeamt

When I arrived at 9am at Kaffeeamt for breakfast on Saturday the coffee shop was empty. Ten minutes later the…

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Eggs Benedict in Vienna (Part 7)

What can I say? Eggs Benedict are still my favorite kind of breakfast. By now I have already infected my…

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Breakfast at Die Sattlerei – update

When I ate breakfast at ‘Die Sattlerei’ for the first time, I loved it. That was also the reason why…

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Breakfast at Goldener Papagei

The weather in summer is usually nice in Vienna, so the terrace of ‘Goldener Papagei’ was very much appreciated. The…

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Breakfast at Neni am Prater

Neni was once a single restaurant at the Naschmarkt, until it started to turn into a chain. Despite that Neni…

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Breakfast at Kaas am Markt

Sometimes the best laid plans just collapse. Who would have thought that a breakfast at the Karmelitermarkt is full in…

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Breakfast at Café Little Britain

The Café Little Britain is in an area of the 2nd district which seems otherwise remarkably barren. While I followed…

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Eggs Benedict in Vienna (Part 4)

Is there anything better than Eggs Benedict for breakfast? And where can you find the best Eggs Benedict in Vienna?…

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Breakfast at the Ponykarussell – Das Café

The moment the pandemic is over (at least in the way our chancellor sees it) new restaurants are popping up…

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Eggs Benedict in Vienna (Part 3)

As written already twice before (here and here), testing and tasting Eggs Benedict (or some kind of variation) in Vienna…

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