How extra-ordinary to find next to a door a saintly plaque. And not just a few but actually quite a lot. Malta was full of them. More so in Valetta than in Mdina but this maybe implied by the name alone already. I have no clue though. Just found it interesting that this was so. In any case I want you to look at this, how exquisitely some of these plaques are. More so that sometimes there were windows dedicated to displaying saints or the Holy Family.
What astonished me as well was that Saint Joseph appears to be quite popular in Malta. I have seen a lot of “Joseph and child” and the “Holy Family”. Not more often than “Maria with child” but more often than anywhere else in the world. Why is that? Does anyone have a clue? Yours, Pollybert

Joseph with child on the corner of a church @Malta

could be one of the stations of the cross @Malta

prayer scene with sheep (or maybe dogs) @Malta

I don’t know if Mike Jane is referring to the two above @Malta

let’s not forget this is displayed on the streets @Malta

another Joseph with child @Malta

the Holy Family @Malta

Christ is waiting for his birthday @Malta

a “small” window display with an offering slot @Malta