The former Imperial City of Hué is already impressive when you enter it. The narrow gates which lead into the inner city hint that something special is lying behind them. Two years ago I only managed to have breakfast, this time I was here to explore.

gate of the imperial city of Hué @Vietnam
Once you pass the ticket booth you feel reminded of the ‘Forbidden City‘ in Beijing. Only a lot poorer. The weather conditions are different in Vietnam and the constant humidity is taking its toll. The buildings have all a black sheen of mold and look ready to tumble-down. Nonetheless the area is impressive with its palaces, halls and courtyards. The grandness of the place is still visible underneath the grime.

inside the Imperial City of Hué @Vietnam

inside the purple Forbidden City of Hué @Vietnam
Around Hué are a lot of tombs worth your time if you manage to find them. We just basically drove around and ended up somewhere else. Never mind it was still okay to just take a look at the surrounding country side.

cows will feed wherever they find something @Vietnam
Moving along the next day to Hoi An proved to be fairly challenging. The plan was to go by train which would have been well advised in the weather conditions we found. But my brother wanted to go by motor bike. So we were soon on the road again in rain gear.

bike riding in the rain on the way to Hoi An @Vietnam
There is still a lot to see, even in the rain. The Vietnamese have some kind of ancestor religion where they build huge temple like graves for their deceased. The money comes mostly from relatives who left the country. The graves are quite impressive in their opulence.

ancestor graves with rice fields in front @Vietnam

opulent graves @Vietnam
Riding up the Hai Van pass is usually a feast for the eyes. Not so when it is foggy and wet. The view is limited if not to say downright obstructed. It was almost scary.

going up the Hai Van pass to Hoi An @Vietnam
Once you get over the pass though the weather changes. The pass functions as a meteorological divide and once you are over it gets a lot warmer. Even the view got a bit better.

view on the sea after the Hai Van pass @Vietnam
The road to Hoi An invites you to stop at the Marble Mountains but in this weather it was not worth it.The Dragon Bridge in Da Nang though is amazing in every weather (I wonder why the bridges in Austria are always so boring?).

the head of the Dragon Bridge @Vietnam
I favored the idea to go directly to Hoi An and go for a drink though. After a whole day in the rain gear I was ready to leave it behind and just relax. Yours, Pollybert

finally in Hoi An @Vietnam