My five-day trip to Latvia felt special. Maybe because I did not organise everything beforehand but just traveled where the fancy took me. Like to the sea. It’s so beautiful in the north, so different from the sea in the south. At least it feels like this to me.
But also the rest of the country, as far as I had time to see it, is beautiful and captivating. Here are a couple of impressions from my wonderful trip up north this year. Not every picture fits a story but should still get a place to shine. Yours, Pollybert

houses come in all kinds of sizes @Riga

a bear for every country in the world @Riga

art installations all over the city @Riga

not really sure what that is, but it does look fascinating @Cape Kolka

not sure why the armadillo is in the house @Riga

fire hydrant in the middle of the street @Riga

round camping boxes for rent @Cape Kolka

a chimney sweeper on top of the roof @Riga

view from the science tower @Riga

light house in the city @Riga

sundown at the beach @Roja

dancing man and birds @Riga

when the birds have the beach for themselves @Jurmala

facade decoration @Riga

find your way in the harbor @Roja