Bernay – on the road from Château Gaillard to Caen

We left Château Gaillard in the direction of Caen, which would be our home base for the next three nights. Since the weather was gorgeous we decided against the highway and opted for secondary roads.

Pollybert on the road Chateau Gaillard

This is how we came across Bernay, which has the oldest church in Normandy. Old means from the 11th century, but apparently the locals were not so impressed in former times. The church had been a depot for the longest time and houses now exhibitions.

the oldest church in Normandy from the 11th century @Bernay

cavernous space inside the church @Bernay

This pretty little town was a wonderful stop. Lots of timber framed houses throughout the historic center. No wonder though as the center was built around the church.

historic center @Bernay

timber framed houses @Bernay

walking through the historic town @Bernay

There are also a couple of rivers running through Bernay, but they appear to be channeled. We found a quiet walkway along one of them.

quiet walk along a channel @Bernay

The heat warranted another drink and what’s better than a sirop de Grenadine when in France. We enjoyed a peaceful moment surrounded by lots of historic buildings before heading to our final destination of the day. Yours, Pollybert

sirop de Grenadine @Bernay

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