We left Caen after a quick visit to the Abbaye aux Hommes behind us and drove again in the direction of the sea. This time though further east to Deauville, a beautiful seaside resort for rich Parisians. I guess I just wanted to see it for myself, at least once. We parked right in front of the Hotel Le Normandy and strolled around town for a bit.

Hotel Le Normandy @Deauville
The city hall looked similar impressive as the Hotel Le Normandy, Deauville really is a beautiful town. No wonder, the half-brother of Napoleon III. took an interest in Deauville in the 19th century and in 1865 a direct train line from Paris opened. Within three years forty villas were built and a casino opened. Deauville never lost its shine and got back on its feet after WWII. It certainly still looks amazing!

city hall @Deauville

beautiful houses @Deauville
Some even had cute little features like this with a cat chasing a mouse on the roof above the window.

a cat chasing a mouse @Deauville
Eventually though we sauntered along the boardwalk on the beach. This is what we came for and this is what Deauville is famous for. It is a seaside resort after all.

boardwalk @Deauville
Even though it was not a day for swimming there were quite a few people on the beach. either taking a stroll like we did or just hanging out with friends. It certainly didn’t look as if someone was in the water. The beach in any case is amazing, just look how wide it and long it is. No wonder the Parisians still come here in the summer months.

at the beach @Deauville
We stopped for a sirop de Grenadine at the Bar du Soleil, but without sun it was just not fun.

Bar du Soleil @Deauville
Especially with the wind we called it a day pretty soon and headed instead to the Hotel Le Normandy for a non-alcoholic drink. There was more driving to be done after all that day. I loved how opulent the snacks were though with our drinks. A lovely repast and we let fortified for the last lag our trip that day. Yours, Pollybert

snacks and soda @Hotel Le Normandy