
Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa: Adresses the current issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a different angle. I have…

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Free walking in Bratislava

After a whirlwind weekend with Ray we had another day together. I had Monday off and had already decided beforehand…

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The taming of the Lion

To keep with the Shakespeare theme from the day before, on this Sunday we were off to tame the lion.…

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Thus with a kiss I die

Dying might sound exaggerated because I am still here writing about it. But let me start from the beginning and…

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White Nights in Vienna

There are white nights for example in St. Petersburg (and I am only using this as a reference because I…

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Alpine Rose

It took me about a week to regenerate after a weekend in the Alps. It might have been all the…

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Milchbart – Burger at the market – permanently closed

As I have said here before, lunch is the most important meal of the day. It divides the day in…

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What’s in your name?

When bored I like to surf the internet and once in while you can find super interesting stuff. My friend…

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