Tonight I am finally going dancing again. I haven’t been dancing in quite a while and I need to get my energy going. Dancing always does the trick. And since my last post is already more than a month ago I need to bring you up to speed.
But you know what? Not a lot has happened except working a lot and meeting some friends. Vienna’s fashion week was actually just a night for me and not at all that exciting. Even the catered food was not so satisfying. Therefore I had more pink champagne.
Was meeting some friends yesterday and we attended a concert in the park. Quite lovely, not so much the music but the whole atmosphere. Also this one drunk guy who was dancing with his dog added to the entertainment of the evening. We ended up going for cocktails and I was home after 12. So tonight I definitely need some coffee before going out.
Am also mentally preparing myself to clean my place this weekend. Will have friends over for dinner on Thursday and need to have a presentable apartment.
Enjoy this lovely day, Pollybert xoxo