Last weekend was again record-breaking hot, and no, I am not making this up. Austria really broke its all time high, setting a new record at 39,9 Celsius. It sounds a lot as if I am complaining when really I am not. At least not so much. I love that it’s really summer, long lazy days in sweltering heat. But the sweltering heat is kind of long now. So long that one wishes it would finally rain. And not the little splashy-splash kind of rain, but real torrential rainfall. Something that cleans the air and we start the summer afresh.
What can I say, I got my wish. We had heavy rain on Sunday night, lots of damage done again by all the stormy weather. It’s crazy this weather, dry and hot for what feels like ever and then really bad weather which just made it worse for lots of people.
But Sunday was still a beautiful day and my friend Julia brought me to a new place for spending the day. An old imperial public pool. The Fischauer Thermalbad has been around for a while. The foundation was laid in 1872, it got its today look in 1899 and was in possession of the Habsburg family (Austria’s former ruling house) until 1992.
It’s gorgeous, just take a look at these pictures. All done in the imperial yellow and green.
You see here the seasonal cabins that one can rent for the summer. I heard that there is a waiting list to get one.
There are two huge pools made from stone, the former men and women pools. 40 million liter of water are flowing daily through the two pools. Therefore no chemicals are needed to keep the water fresh and clean which renews itself in the pools four times a day. The water flows into the pools from a natural waterfall, has a constant temperature of 19 Celsius and makes it ideal also for wellness in winter.
A huge park areal makes it well suited for a public pool providing enough space to lounge in the sun. Exception was this Sunday when everyone was looking for shade and while there are enough trees there was definitely a lack of shade around noon. Enjoy some more impressions from the pool.
Yours, Pollybert
PS: I finished ‘I Heart Vegas‘ and started with ‘I Heart London
‘ from Lindsey Kelk. Still a guilty pleasure, what can I say?
love the pics… especially the seasonal cabins, “waterfall,” and buoy… gorgeous! It looks so nostalgic… and refreshing!
unglaublicher regenbogen…!!!! und ich liebe fischau!!! deix hin oder her :-)
Ich bin mit jetzt nicht ganz sicher wo der Regenbogen ist…
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Nächsten Dienstag, sollten wir Photos machen, damit Du auch einmal schreiben kannst, wie unfassbar tapfer wir sind ;-) Bussi
Nachdem ich mich heute direkt danach im Spiegel gesehen habe…Nein!