
Arrow of God by Chinua Achebe: I am not really sure where in the African trilogy this book is timeline-wise, it seems to be parallel with the first one. It tells the story of Ezuele, the highest priest in the area and how one wrong decision on his side brought his life down while also a lot of people to the Christian belief. Interesting details about the African life around 1920 and how the British went about the colonization business.


Time of My Life by Allison Winn Scotch: What if all your wishes come true? That must be a dream, mustn’t it? That is the life of Jill, married with an adorable daughter, a stay-at-home mom with the perfect life. But what if that life is not so perfect after all? What other choices did she have in her past and where did it all go wrong? Chick lit at its finest with lots of food for thought. Reads like a charm and I finished it over the weekend.


Glück schlägt Geld. Generation Y: Was wir wirklich wollen by Kerstin Bund: A book club read which left me annoyed. Happiness means more than money is something I can fully support. So true in this day and age. Still, Generation Y is beyond me. Probably as a Generation X myself I don’t have a lot in common with them. Some of their requests I totally get but the way everything is all about “Me, me, me” and “More, more, more” doesn’t endear them to me. Also the book is totally generalised, it will be an interesting discussion though.


After You by Jojo Moyes: I remember reading Me Before YouBearbeiten on a bus in Brazil and crying so hard that my neighbour looked at me as if I was disturbed. This then is the second part of ‘Me before You’. We follow Louisa how she goes on with her life. It is more of a struggle than living life to the fullest as Will had in mind for her. And while it is not as engrossing as the first part it was enough to keep me up for one night to finish it.


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