When I traveled through Ecuador I saw stuff that I haven’t seen before. Lots of these pictures I have already posted within the stories. But some just don’t fit and I still want you to look at them. What amazed me was the religious devotion in this country. Europe is probably already too indifferent for this, but in Ecuador there is still a religious fervor that astonished and thrilled me. Just wait for the guy who walked around with baby Jesus. And he was not the only one!
A special thanks goes also out to my travel companion Sylvia who provided much-needed pictorial support! Here are some of my favorite pictures from Ecuador. Yours, Pollybert

fashionable outfits for your dog; a vendor with his testimonial @Quito

Imbabura volcano and Llama @Ecuador

typical handicraft in the Otavalo area @Ecuador

children during carnival, you can still see the white foam everywhere @Quito

this is not a doll, this is baby Jesus @Quito

God is everywhere in Banos @Ecuador

Iglesia de El Carmen Alto @Quito

small shrine to the Virgin Mary @Ecuador

even during carnival there is always an angel watching @Quito

everyone takes the road @Ecuador

ice cream is kept cold with dried ice @Quito

a traffic jam of party buses on the ruta de las cascadas @Banos

beautiful plait @Ecuador

transport the Ecuadorian way @Guamote

es verdad @Ecuador

street food, probably empanadas @Guamote

a gazebo in Cuenca: it does look slightly Arabic @Ecuador

small stalls in front of the New Cathedral in Cuenca sell necessary devotional objects @Ecuador

the beautiful motto of Ecuador; a celebration of life itself

this cross hopefully stops drunk people from using this corner as urinal @Ecuador

Las Peñas: looks a little bit like the favelas in Brazil @Guayaquil

this is one giant of a tree trunk @Guayaquil

food court the Ecuadorian way: don’t smoke, don’t Rollerblade and don’t shoot @Guayaquil
thank you for the credit 😎