You don’t need a reason to go to Leipzig. It’s such a beautiful city with so much history that this is reason enough. In case you need a reason, this the city where Napoleon lost and this battle initiated the end of his reign. Also Goethe studied law here and eternalized the city in his masterpiece Faust. See, more than enough reasons to visit! But if you need more, here we go. Yours, Pollybert
Let’s stick with Goethe for a second. To really walk in his shoes one has to go to the Auerbach Keller which plays a part in the actual Faust. The food is good there but even better is the original cellar. Just imagine, Goethe was sitting here as a student! You definitely need to make time for a visit!

the original cellar from Goethe’s time @Auerbach Keller
What impresses in Leipzig are the manifold covered passages. They lead you into shopping temples while being themselves an architectural site to worship. the passage of the Auerbach Keller has a built-in glockenspiel. You need time to realize where the music is coming from. But also other passages don’t need to hide. Take your time while exploring them.

Auerbach Keller passage @Leipzig

Speck’s Hof passage @Leipzig
The fall of the Berlin wall was started in Leipzig with a peaceful revolution. And the platform to this revolution was offered by the Church. I really love the wording of peaceful revolution! How powerful we can be when we just work together!
So the churches here are more than places of worship. They are manifestations of change. All the more one has to admire their playfulness. Please look at the St. Nicholas Church were it all began. It does appear more like a confectionery. Looks can be so deceiving!

St. Nicholas Church @Leipzig

St. Thomas Church @Leipzig
The main university building of Leipzig, the new Augusteum, is an eye catcher. I would have loved to study here. So astonishing how it looks as if the old church was integrated into the new building. It makes for a stunning combination. In the end it is of course brand new since the original building was heavily damaged in WWII and later demolished. Kind of makes me sentimental that my uni days are over.

University of Leipzig
Monument to the Battle of the Nations
The Völkerschlachtdenkmal or the monument to the battle of the nations was inaugurated in 1913 exactly 100 years after the defeat of Napoleon by the hands of the coalition army of Russia, Prussia, Sweden and Austria. The monument is monumental and you can spend quite some time there to explore the building and the on-site museum. Next to the colossal figures one feels insignificant and small.

Monument of the Battle of the Nations @Leipzig

inside the Monument of the Battle of the Nations @Leipzig
Zum arabischen Coffe Baum
Zum Coffe Baum is one of the oldest coffee houses of Europe and it is in Leipzig. As Viennese I almost took exception but the truth convinced me. It was mentioned the first time 1556 and is a cultural and architectural heritage site. Of course we stopped for coffee and cake there and took a good look around. A city with so much coffee history must make an amazing brew. And it was true.

Zum Coffe Baum @Leipzig
Absolutely stunning buildings
I loved the historical centre of the city. Although more than half of the buildings of the historical centre have been destroyed in WWII the city is an architectural jewel.

Commerzbank @Leipzig

getting lost in Leipzig

main market with the city hall to the right @Leipzig