A weekend in Regensburg is probably not enough. This is the best conserved medieval city of Germany and so much to see here. Its centre is a Unesco World Heritage Site and well deserved so. It’s just beautiful to walk around the narrow lanes and alleys and get lost in the process. No cars are disturbing the peace in the centre and you can walk freely around. Do you feel like you should start packing your bags? Here are a couple of must see things you should visit while there. Yours, Pollybert
1.) Start with a walking tour. Mine was only in German and met at the Regensburg Cathedral (for a tour in English check here). The 90 minutes finished quickly and after that you have a great overview and hear interesting trivia about the town.
2.) Stroll over the Stone Bridge. Preferably while eating an ice cream. Built in the 12th century in only 11 years it’s a remarkable achievement. I later learned on the guided tour that at the beginning of the project there was a dry spell in the area and almost no water. Within a year the foundation was set. It was also the only bridge in Regensburg across the Danube until the 1930s.

Stone Bridge across the Danube @Regensburg

looking upon the Stone Bridge and the Cathedral @Regensburg
3.) Plan a visit to the Wurstkuchl (sausage kitchen), a long-standing traditional restaurant which serves sausages and other typical fare from the region. It is right next to the Stone Bridge since more than 500 years. I ordered the sausages with sauerkraut and a beer. The big tables invite you to join others and get to know some locals. The line up is only for take away.

Historische Wurstküche @Regensburg
4.) Take a look at the Goliathhaus. It was built somewhere around the 13th century and got its famous mural in the 15th century. The scene is not so much biblical as capitalistic. Goliath in this instance is the arrogant merchant while David symbolizes the honest trader.

The Goliathhaus @Regensburg
5.) The Porta Praetoria is one of only two Roman gate constructions left north of the alps. I love how it is included the building which so clearly shows the huge dimensions. Also the whole thing is almost 2000 years old. Let’s think for a moment which of the buildings from our time will still be standing in then.

the porta praetoria @Regensburg
6.) The festivals in Regensburg. While I was there the Jazzweekend was ongoing as well as the Schlossfestspiele. The Jazzweekend by the way is not a festival but a party. And that’s exactly how the town felt all weekend.
7.) On the site of the Regensburg Cathedral (or St. Peter’s Cathedral) a church has been standing since around 700. In this form of course it is a lot younger but still from the 13th century. The church burnt down twice in the century before. Finally rebuilding started in 1273 which was the base for its current form. It them a good 250 years to finish it. After more renovations and adding the towers and spires in the 19th it is still a work in progress. Basically it is under renovation all year round, so count yourself lucky of you see the portal without some construction going on.

Regensburg Cathedral @Regensburg

inside the Regensburg Cathedral @Regensburg

majestic pillars @Regensburg Cathedral
8.) The Patrician Towers were sign of wealth in the middle ages. The merchants of Regensburg got rich with their trades which took them also to Italy. Especially in Tuscany these towers are still visible. Once back in Regensburg the merchant then invested his wealth in a tower. The higher the better. Let’s talk about a status symbol. Interestingly enough the residents used only the first two floors, the rest was just for show. About 20 of these towers stand still in Regensburg.

Baumburger Turm with 28m @Regensburg