Cyprus hasn’t been high on my list of must-see places. But it just happened that in November I had the chance to go there with some friends. I didn’t know what to expect, I knew about archaeological excavations and that the food is similar to Greece. Nothing more. But aren’t these the best conditions not to get disappointed? So here are my five reasons why you should visit Cyprus. Yours, Pollybert
1.) The Beaches
Let’s be honest here, the most amazing thing was that in November it was still warm enough the spend time at the beach. I mean who knew that this is even possible in Europe at this time of year.

Nissi Beach @Cyprus
2.) The Mosaics
A fellow traveller whom I met on the plane told me that the mosaics of Paphos are one of the finest he has seen so far. He was totally right and we spent a long time studying them. I just wish they would be constantly sprinkled with water so that the colors intensify.

some gods @Paphos
3.) The Food
If you are into Mediterranean food than this is a good place for you. What I like best are all the starters. It’s fun to share them with your friends if they are into that. There are always exceptions but most people love communal eating.

shared dinner @Cyprus
4.) The Tombs of Kings
The Tombs of Kings were absolutely fabulous and easily the most impressive site for me in Cyprus. We made it there in the late afternoon and at first glance not much was happening. Because everything is underground. As it should be for tombs.

Tombs of Kings @Cyprus
5.) Saint Hilarion Castle
On the Turkish side of Cyprus lies Saint Hilarion Castle. And while the way up is exhausting and at times so steep that it is worrisome, the trek up is definitely worth it. Not only for the view but for the whole experience. Now you can appreciate so much more what the crusaders achieved. I wonder how many slaves were needed to build that. Because I can’t believe it could have been built any other way.

Saint Hilarion Castle @Cyprus