A fusion restaurant of Asian and Styrian influences sounded interesting. So when SteirAsia finally opened, we booked a table. In the end we had waited a year since the closing of the restaurant before and the opening of the new one. If you are asking yourself, why I know that, it’s because SteirAsia lies in my neighborhood. I also ate dinner once in the Italian restaurant which was there before. Inside not much has changed. The shelf wall is still there, now full with Asian dishes and Styrian produce, and the seating appears unchanged as well. It’s quite bright and sterile looking.

dining room @SteirAsia
We share a plate of ‘Saure Zunge’ which is smoked pork tongue with Yuzu soysauce, pickled pearl onions, apple cider vinegar, and pumpkin seed oil. I love pork tongue, that can be really tasty. The dish we get is unfortunately not a winner in my eyes. The tongue drowns in pumpkin seed oil and I can’t detect any Yuzu soysauce. Funnily enough, my friend likes it despite her aversion to tongue. She loves the smoky taste of it. A dish where opinions differ.

sour tongue @SteirAsia
As a main course we share two different kinds of rolls. One was with salmon tartar, the other came with a slice of salmon on top. They had the same kind of look and feel although there was a slight difference in taste. Which was okay, maybe a bit heavy on mayonnaise.

two kinds of salmon rolls @SteirAsia
Overall it was a nice enough experience. I might have enjoyed it more if not for someone at the next table, who was constantly coughing. In this day and age it would be nice if sick people could just stay home. Yours, Pollybert
1090 Wien, Servitengasse 3
Tel: +43 1 3463875
Email: info@steirasia.at
Mon-Sat: 11:00-22:00