San José was the only city I visited during my three weeks in Costa Rica. I figured that I would share with you whatever was left of my pictures of San José before moving on to all the other places I saw. What I remember most about San José are the many fast food places. On every corner there is an American fast food restaurant, it felt as if there were more than in the average American city.
Also, there is a lot of police presence on the streets and they are armed with huge guns. To me everything feels huge that’s bigger than a pistol, but they looked humongous. And no, I do not have a picture of them.
San José made a busy impression on me. Lot’s of people bustling around, maybe because it was Holy Week and everyone was on vacation. I can’t say for sure. In the end, I am happy to say that I could leave after three days with all my stuff and explore the country side. Yours, Pollybert
Most doors were hidden by gated entrance ways, therefore I didn’t take any pictures of them. But this door, almost covered by shrubs, looks amazing.
A train is going right through the city as you can see from the tracks below.
Lots of produce you can’t find in Austria at your regular market.