Despite seeing already a horse somewhere near Playa Negra in Cahuita, I came across most animals in the national park. Except for the local sloth which rested just outside of the park, right in a tree above the dining area of the restaurant in front of the park. If you know me, you might ask yourself how I spotted it. I didn’t of course, because the animal makes no sound. Instead I passed it twice until Amy, the girl I met while exploring the national park, told me about it, and then later pointed it out.

a relaxing sloth @Cahuita

aren’t sloths just the cutest? @Cahuita
What I saw all by myself was a couple of monkeys. They made such a racket that even I couldn’t fail to notice them. Can you spot them in the picture? But I also have a little video of a capuchin monkey, which you can see here.

monkeys ahead @Cahuita

and another monkey @Cahuita
Also this fine gecko (probably some other species, but honestly have no clue) was discovered by myself. It was nice enough to just lounge on the trail so I wouldn’t miss it.

a gecko or something like it @Cahuita
I will be honest here, the yellow snake, probably an eyelash viper, was pointed out to me. I even got help with the picture. Not that it’s so great, but you can see that there is a snake, which is already something I find. A guided group toured ahead of us, and they were kind enough to let us in on the location of the snake. Not so bad, no?

yellow eyelash viper @Cahuita
There were also the most amazing ants running around, visibly noticeable due to the large leaves they were carrying. These leaf cutter ants make pulp out of said leaves, get the stuff fermented and then harvest the fungus which grows on the pulp. Isn’t that fascinated that animals are just like us? Anyway, I don’t have a picture, but I made a little video of them and you can see it here.
There were also some funny looking crabs walking around in their shells of which I have made another video. And last but not least another crab, this time without a shell. Don’t they look super cute? Yours, Pollybert

cute crab @Cahuita