During the night in Montezuma it was raining heavily, but I felt snug and cozy in my bungalow. Listening to the rain, I decided to scratch my plans to go to the island of Tortuga by boat. The weather didn’t seem nice enough to spend it in a confined space on water. With my mind made up, I slept in and enjoyed my bed. But it turned out that the day was beautiful after all. Apparently the weather is always like this here and it only rains during the night.

good morning view @Luz en el Cielo
So instead of going for a boat ride, I made plans to see another waterfall called Catarata el Chorro. After waiting with the local cat for my breakfast, I was on my way to the beach.

cats are allowed on the table @Luz en el Cielo
I couldn’t tell how far the waterfall was since maps.me always showed me a different route on how to get there. In any case, the waterfall appeared to be right beside the beach, so I decided to walk along the water.

on the way to the beach @Montezuma
In any case, the journey is the destination. I never made it to the waterfall since after about 3,4km the going got rough and I was again in my flip flops. Having learned something from the day before, I decided to turn around instead of moving forward. Also, nobody that I met along the way had actually been to the waterfall. Everyone, no matter where I met them, just said that it was still at least an hour away.

there was a lot of empty beach ahead @Montezuma
While I was walking I noticed that everything was pristine. Not even a little bit of plastic or other stuff lying around. No wonder though when you such positive signs along the way.

driftwood with a message @Montezuma
The further I walked, the more the whole area looked like a postcard. Really too beautiful to find words for it.

beach walk @Montezuma
Sometimes there was a shortcut through the bush, but always within sight of the beach.

shortcut @Montezuma
Finally I arrived at an endless stretch of beach. Really, from afar it seemed as if it went on forever. Interestingly enough this was a also the beach where I met the most people. All of them surfers and pretty good at what they were doing.

endless beach @Montezuma

halfway along the beach @Montezuma
Far up on the beach, away from the couple of surfers, cheeky Capuchin monkeys played. There were a couple of them, all of them chattering away and really quick. It was hard to catch them with the camera, a lot easier on video though.

Capuchin monkeys @Montezuma
But the beach wasn’t endless and eventually it tapered off in a stony area which wasn’t easy to navigate in flip flops. By then I was hot and tired and the waterfall didn’t appear to be any closer on my app. So that was the point where I decided that I would just turn around.

the turn around point @Montezuma
It looked like a different beach on the way back, especially since some clouds had moved in.

walking back @Montezuma
I decided that I deserved a little rest after such a long walk. Although I have to say that it was a pleasant day at the beach. Even though I usually abhor walking on the beach. But when the beach is so pretty and not populated by thousands of people it quite fun. Still, I treated myself to a lemony drink at the Ylang Ylang resort and just relaxed for a while. Yours, Pollybert

resting at Ylang Ylang resort @Montezuma