Titling this post as “Street Art of Costa Rica” sounds really grand, when in reality most of the pictures are from San José. But, and here it comes, some murals are from around the country. Just a few to be honest, but enough to give the post a grander name. I liked the colors and that most of these are really murals and not just name tags or other inexplicable stuff.
There is also some kind of art installation from San José here. I am not really sure what it should represent, but art doesn’t always need to be explained. Although I like it, when it comes with an explanation. To me stuff is mostly guesswork. Or plain weird. Anyways, here is what I found on the streets of Costa Rica. Yours, Pollybert
reminds me of Anne Geddes @San José
a relaxed sloth @Cahuita
everyone is welcome in Costa Rica, even aliens @San José
hummingbird @Monteverde
I am not able to bicycle and eat something at the same time @San José
the bird looks ready to take flight @San José
more graffiti in the governmental district @San José
‘relaxing on the beach’ @San José
art installation downtown @San José