One of the first things we did in Brno was visiting the old town hall. Not only does it house the tourist information, but it also has a tower one can climb on with a view platform on top. But best of all is the arched portal through which to enter, which has a turret from Anton Pilgram. As Viennese this sculptor is of course well-known to me since he famously made the pulpit in St. Stephen’s Cathedral.

Old Town Hall @Brno
As you can see the turret in the middle is bent to the right. According to legends Anton Pilgram didn’t receive his agreed upon salary and therefore made this little change. No matter why, it does give this turret a very distinct look.

close-up of turret from Anton Pilgram @Brno
From the viewing platform Brno lies beneath you, but view stretches on for quite a bit. Especially when the weather is nice.

view from the top of the old Town Hall @Brno
Passing the Hotel Grandezza on the Zelny trh, a luxury hotel from the beginning of the 20th century,

entrance hall of Hotel Grandezza @Brno
we climbed the small hill to the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul. The cathedral is from the 13th century and really thrones above the city, although the Petrov hill is actually not very high.

the cathedral sitting high on Petrov hill @Brno

Cathedral St. Peter and Paul @Brno
Renovated through the centuries there is not much left from the Romanesque style inside the cathedral. Still, it’s worth to go inside especially since you can also find it on the 10 CZK coin.

inside Cathedral St. Peter and Paul @Brno
The new town hall in Brno looks old as well, just not as old as the other one. It has a large courtyard, open to the public, because a dragon is guarding it.

courtyard of the new town hall @Brno

the dragon guarding the new town hall @Brno
Next up was Špilberk Castle, which you can clearly see from behind the cathedral in Denis Gardens. This is a beautiful area to relax before starting the ascent to the castle.

Špilberk Castle @Brno

on the way to Špilberk Castle @Brno
The castle, which is from the 13th century, is nowadays used for all kinds of events and was unavailable for visits on our first day. Happily enough the next day we could enter without a problem.

entering Špilberk Castle @Brno
When we arrived there was no guided tour available, but I am sure you profit more from one. So we ended up walking around on our own. The view from the top is quite wonderful.

looking down from Špilberk Castle @Brno
The castle has been completely renovated, which is a blessing and a curse I find. Here is for example the chapel.

chapel @Špilberk Castle
In the castle moat was a modern exhibition, which we passed by. But the moat was going all the way around and was quite pleasant to stroll through.

moat @Špilberk Castle
I was more interested in the casemates, which were used as heavily guarded prison in the times of the Habsburgs. Even though the prison hallways looked a lot better after the renovations, still it was rather cold down there and with almost no natural light. This must have been a really miserable life. Not just for the prisoners, but for the guards as well. Yours, Pollybert

hallway in the casemates @Špilberk Castle

prison cell @Špilberk Castle