The weather at the moment is beckoning everybody to spend a lot of time outside and the festivals in Vienna are making it easy to do just that. Yesterday I started my after-work entertainment by hitting the Thai Festival at the Prater.
I didn’t even know we had that many Thai restaurants in Vienna, so sampling as many dishes as possible was on the program.
We started with Singha Beer, always a good choice.
Then tried some fried dumplings with shrimps and after that Phat Thai which was over spiced by my friend. So there went my taste buds… Sorry no pics as usual, we started eating right away. But here are some pictures from the festival.
For dessert we had mangosteen, delicious and also cooling after the heat.
While finishing a second Singha we walked through the Prater and I let myself be convinced to go on the Prater Turm. Definitely not a good idea, was only happy again once I was safe back on the ground.
After my brush with vertigo (I really think this must be due to my lack of control since I have never experienced anything like it while parachuting or delta gliding), I needed sugar to get going again.
By then it started to grow dark and we decided to see Rod Stewart at the Film Festival at the city hall. Usually operas are shown at the festival but once in a while something modern sneaks in. This evening it was Rod Stewart at the Avo Sessions in Basel. He is still a great entertainer.
Amazingly enough I could sing along with most of his songs and I haven’t been a huge fan. I also remembered that when I was 13 I had a life size poster of him hanging in our bedroom in boarding school. Time really is flying by.
A short shower in between couldn’t ruin the concert. We took shelter for 5 minutes, then decided to go to the car when it stopped to rain as sudden as it started. I am very glad we stayed, we would have missed dancing to ‘Sailing’ otherwise.
The city hall by night is so beautiful. Vienna has a lot to offer, I will try to go to the festival more often this year. I walked home by myself, enjoying the cool and fresh air after the rain.
Yours, Pollybert
PS: In book news, I am still reading ‘Furious Love‘ by Sam Kashner, love it so far. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton really had the most intense relationship. And I am still in the first third. The amount of time it takes me to read it, has nothing to do with the content and all with the format. I am reading it in hard cover, not so practical for carrying around. Therefore I started a new book on the e-reader, ‘The Paris Wife
‘ by Paula McLain. It is about the relationship between Ernest Hemingway and his wife. So far so good, let’s see how it develops.