Every man or death becomes him

On Wednesday evening I was invited from Julia to see ‘Jedermann‘ at the Viennese Lustspielhaus.

The ‘Jedermann’ is a classic drama that get’s shown every year the Salzburg Festival. With a kind of drum roll the main actors get announced and it is basically the knighthood of Austrian theater if one stars in the Jedermann in Salzburg.
In Vienna things are handled differently: the drama was turned into a musical comedy with a Viennese twist. It was not really working, at least not for me. The young ‘Jedermann’ actor showed a lack of comic skills and fell flat. Good that the main part was also the one with the least lines. His co-stars were more experienced and tried their best to make up for it, but the jokes didn’t always work properly.


Here we are, still smiling before the show.
A big ‘Thank you’ to the sponsor (a large bank) of the summer theater. We enjoyed the finger food and the drinks from Schwarzes Kameel.
Yours, Pollybert

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  1. supernettes Photo von Euch beiden !

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