After an amazing weekend with parties all around, my friends beside me and an abundance of sunshine I went to my second class of HIIT yesterday. Today my legs feel like pudding but way better than last time. Hopefully my Pilates class in the evening will improve everything else.
If you are wondering where this new sporty ambition is coming from: I have decided to take some drastic measures to lose the extra weight I put on over the last year. The more I talked about losing a bit, the more I gained. After seeing myself in the bikini shots from Rhodes, I knew it was time to do something. And still… even this didn’t help. I tried cutting carbs in the evening and just eating healthier, doing a bit more sports and so on. Nothing, nada, nul. I just enjoy eating too much!
So now I have a different approach, having decided to keep it with Kate Moss: Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. She also added though that “you try to remember, but it never works”. I don’t want to be stick thin (not that there is any danger). I am way too old for that because being skinny would also make me look like an old hag. No, no, I need a bit of fat to look fresh. The glow is long gone and I never had a peachy complexion, but I don’t want age prematurely by weight loss. What a waste of good body fat (also hard-earned).
I started yesterday with EODD (every other day diet) or 10in2. Basically it is one day eating, one day not eating. So far, so easy. I started with the not eating yesterday and I was ok. I was really, really hungry around lunch time but the rest of the day was not hard. Especially after my HIIT class I was glad to be home, just sat on the balcony enjoying a glass of wine (you are allowed to have one on the 0 days).
My goal is to go through with it for three weeks and then see if there is any progress and if there is (hopefully, cause isn’t that the reason I am doing all this?) then to decide if I go on (meaning did I lose enough to keep me going). Not that I am expecting a miracle (although that would be nice) but a change would be very much appreciated (ahem, a must actually what with all the sacrifices). I have another bikini vacation looming ahead and I need to look a lot hotter than last month.
Yours, Pollybert
PS: I finished reading ‘I Heart New York‘ and ‘I Heart Hollywood
‘ by Lindsey Kelk. The first one was very funny, fresh and just so nice to read. Like a fluffy cake without the guilt trip. The second book was not as good as the first one, but I liked the girl and wanted to know what goes on in her life. The guilt of the fluffy cake had definitely started. The book was an advertising bible on where to go shopping and which designers to buy. Not that I minded so much but it got fairly bland. Still I started with ‘I heart Paris’, and so far so bad. I think the series is taking a turn for the worse and I am not sure it’s coming back to its former glory. Let’s see how it goes though, otherwise goodbye Angela Clark.
what is this i heart series… sounds interesting! great post!