Our next destination was the daily market which was similar to a bazar or a shopping mall. Small stalls were organized under a roof by products, one row of spices, one for hats and others for scarves and so on. Here I shopped a lot of spices, chillies and cinnamon among other things that I use at home. A lot fresher here and it didn’t come in little packages but in huge crates and the asked for quantities were measured out.

daily market @Kashgar

daily market @Kashgar

daily market @Kashgar

typical hat of Kyrgyzstan @daily market Kashgar

so apparently it gets cold in Kashgar

need a watch? @daily market Kashgar
Outside the daily market the motorbikes were parked, how anyone ever finds his again I don’t know.

find your bike @Kashgar
We tried ice cream from a vendor with a little cart (how daring in hindsight but I was always hopeful that everything was fresh).

ice cream vendor @Kashgar

ice cream @Kashgar
Then we walked into the direction of the old town to have lunch. There I had again noodles with vegetables this time and instead of the meat with the noodles two kebab on the side, one liver and one beef. Really delicious, they roast it with a piece of fat in the middle so that meat stays juicy. With it we had fresh yoghurt which was so good that Sylvia had two and finished one from Babsi.
After lunch we walked into the old town where we finally saw traditional buildings from the Uyghurs. Also a pottery where everything was still hand-made. The old buildings are made from mud and covered in brick so that they stay cool in summer and warm in winter. The bricks then are carved with pattern which makes each house unique. So beautiful to walk through the old town then even though each house has the same color but all look different.

old town Kashgar

view on old town @Kashgar

old town @Kashgar

pottery @Kashgar

old town @Kashgar

old town @Kashgar

old town @Kashgar

old town @Kashgar

old town @Kashgar
It was the first real hot day while we traveled the Silk Road and we got a little taste on how it can feel here during summer time. I can’t image how the caravans were going through the desert in this heat, I was hot just walking through the streets. But the day was not over for us, there was still more to discover from Kashgar. Yours, Pollybert

street life @Kashgar

old town @Kashgar

the chickens felt the heat @Kashgar

black smith with furnace @Kashgar