Since traveling is currently not out of the question but rather a bit difficult, I try to find new places in Vienna. The other weekend my friend brought me to the Bio Feigenhof. This place is not only a nursery for fig trees, but also sells variable other plants, fresh organic vegetables, and has a terrace for coffee. Even though Bio Feigenhof is in Vienna, going there feels like taking a vacation.

Welcome at the Bio Feigenhof @Wien
The whole place is lush and green and wherever you look there is more of everything. In between flowers provide a drop of color. On the lawn right in front of the shop you have a big fire basket. Not really sure if it ever gets lighted, but it does look spectacular. And there is a small pond with two sun loungers. It looks totally inviting!

fire basket @Bio Feigenhof

this pond must be for swimming @Bio Feigenhof
Although the weather was miserable that afternoon, we strolled around the garden with no care in the world. After we had checked out all the plants outside, I was ready for the greenhouse. Not such a great idea to go inside however. Because even though my balcony is full with plants, I found some more. In the end I take a jasmine, a coffee plant, a kaffir lime, and a lemon basil home with me.

convert your old barrow @Bio Feigenhof

unlimited supply of potted fig trees @Bio Feigenhof
While waiting to pay for my purchases we decided that the weather would hold a bit more, to sit outside for a coffee. In the end the rain kept off for half an hour more, giving us the chance to breath in the country air perfumed by many roses.

shop and deli @Bio Feigenhof

coffee and pastry @Bio Feigenhof

take a seat amid the roses @Bio Feigenhof
The Bio Feigenhof is definitely not a place to rush through. When you arrive here, really take your time and try to leave the city behind you. The surroundings are the perfect spot to do so. Further more, check out the plants, smell them, rub the leaves, or just taste the herbs. Whatever you do though, enjoy this oasis in Vienna. Yours, Pollybert
Bio Feigenhof
1110 Wien, Am Himmelreich 325
Tel: +43 664 4224480
Fri: 12:00-18:00, Sat: 10:00-17:00

a bowl full of thistles @Bio Feigenhof