There is more to Liechtenstein than just Vaduz. Even though I hadn’t really thought about that before, I was still kind of surprised in a way (I know that sounds very ignorant). Since the weather had promised to be nice, we had agreed beforehand get out into the mountains and go for a walk. Despite driving up early (or as early as can be while on vacation), the parking on top of Malbun was full and we had to use the shuttle from one of the lower spaces.

full parking already @Malbun
At least the shuttle was quick and in no time we were on top to start our tour. First we walked for a bit along the slopes, and I was honestly sad that we didn’t go skiing.

walking near the slopes @Malbun
But then we entered a winter wonderland, with snowy trees and pristine white snow. Honestly, it can’t get any better when it comes to winter walks.

not a single track @Malbun

walking uphill @Malbun
There was even a view point somewhere along the way, but I am not convinced that the view there was any better than at the rest of the track. At least I managed a decent selfie up there.

Pollbert in winter @Malbun
The snow was really dry and made a crunchy noise with every step we took. I felt so warm by the time we arrived at our destination, a bench to relax, that I had to open my coat.

still walking uphill @Malbun

last bend before the bench @Malbun
After a well deserved break with hot tea, we started with the descent. The plan was to get something to eat before I had to board the train back to Vienna.

different views on the way down @Malbun
Of course once you walk in the shade it gets cold and I needed to close my coat again.

it’s cold in the shade @Malbun
The yellow sign alarmed us not to leave the track. Underneath all that snow was a mountain lake, refreshing in summer. A danger in winter.

there is a lake underneath all this snow @Malbun
Eventually we made it back to civilization and got something to eat. My advice, bring your own sandwich. The prices were exorbitant, bordering on extortion if you earn your living in Swiss Francs. And the meal at Hotel Restaurant Walserhof can be entirely missed. Yours, Pollybert

arriving back in Malbun @Liechtenstein