We left Dungeness and on the way to Hastings passed Rye. This is a very pretty medieval town, where three rivers meet. The Rother, the Tillingham, and the Brede, which made it an ideal smugglers location. The windmill, at the entrance of the town, didn’t really prepare us for the rest of the town. It looked so peaceful and quiet.

windmill on the river Tillingham @Rye
Once inside the town though I was astonished to see a mighty gate as well as a castle with a tower. For such a small town, there was much to see. But let’s start slowly. We walked up a rather steep street and at the corner was this beautiful house. But it’s not so much that house as the one farther rather right. It looks as if it has been put on top of another. Don’t you agree?

the house on the right looks funny @Rye
The cobbled street was not easy to walk on, but with so many interesting old houses along the way, it was okay to stop every couple of meters.

walking through the town @Rye
Most of the houses had charming details, either names or plaques or lovely flower decorations.

a plaque from a house @Rye

not really sure what kind of plant that is @Rye

another plaque @Rye

purple flower decorations @Rye
We passed the Mermaid Inn, where apparently the smugglers had met in the olden times.

The Mermaid Inn @Rye
Unfortunately St. Mary’s church, from the 12th century, was closed to the public due to a wedding.

St. Mary’s church @Rye
The church looked massive from the other side, when it was basically the end of a small alley.

the massive back side of St. Mary’s church @Rye
We ended up going into the museum across from the church though. Because you do need to enter something while on a visit, don’t you think? The Rye Castle Museum with the Ypres Tower is from the 14th century. Unfortunately you do not really have a tower view from the top, but it was better than nothing. The museum itself tried its best, alas with limited success.

Rye Castle Museum and Ypres Tower @Rye

view into the courtyard @Rye Castle Museum and Ypres Tower
After exiting the museum we walked around some more and discovered another tower, this time in form of a gate. The Landgate was one of two gates built in the 14th century to defend Rye against its enemies. The clock only came later. The gate looks a lot more impressive from the outside. Inside the gate houses have been built up right to the walls of the towers.

the Landgate @Rye

the Landgate from the back @Rye
Making one last round about town we headed to the parking and left Rye for good. Yours, Pollybert

heading back to the parking @Rye