The doors of Brussels and Antwerp are mostly wooden doors in dark colors. They look quite all the same in their rectangular form, but then once in a while you find a door which has a rounded upper part and looks more like a castle door. Or you see the door of the city hall and think immediately of a church. But it was not a church door as can be easily detected upon closer inspection. It certainly was beautiful though.
The Belgians also like to place some flowers or trees next to their door, rather delicate looking at best. Plus a window with some iron grille on top. In any case enjoy these doors from Brussels and Antwerp. I am sure there are a lot more doors that I have missed. Yours, Pollybert

the door of the city hall @Brussels
The door was extremely beautiful and the detailed work on it amazing. Here is a close-up so that you can see it as well. I’ve also found one door in Antwerp which astonished me. It had the most amazing details on it

close-up of city hall door @Brussels

flowers brighten the entrance @Brussels

looks like a castle door @Brussels

bright colors @Brussels

elegantly in grey @Brussels

just about the most amazing entrance door @Antwerp

very narrow door @Antwerp

blue door @Antwerp

completely different style @Antwerp

green door @Antwerp

large wooden gate @Antwerp

blue door @Antwerp

always a bit of green somewhere @Antwerp