While discovering the many sights of Brno, like Spilberk Castle, the Villa Tugendhat, but also the various underground locations in the city, we passed some truly amazing buildings. I am not really sure how much of the city got destroyed in WWII. The city has definitely been bombed, but the diversity of the architecture in Brno is just astonishing. So maybe there wasn’t so much destruction in the city center?
I am not going to deep dive into this topic though. I am just glad that Brno had so much left to see. Of course you can’t look inside to see if the interior mirrors the outside, but the facade alone made me dream of living in some of these buildings. Let me know which one you like best. Yours, Pollybert

beautiful bay windows and as great balcony @Brno

balconies and a little dome on top @Brno

one house looks better than the other @Brno

so many balconies and so much green @Brno

the Hotel Grandezza is really grand @Brno

details from a building @Brno

this building shows off its different sides @Brno

an abundance of balconies and a little dome @Brno

the details on the facade are so beautiful @Brno

even a grey house doesn’t look boring @Brno

probably social housing in pastel colors @Brno

the pastel colors really look pretty @Brno

females on the wall @Brno

there must be a story behind this name @Brno

art nouveau at its best @Brno

another great example of the breathtaking buildings in this city @Brno

let’s just walk through this house @Brno