Café Latte is a well known location on the weekend especially for its brunch, which starts at 10am. But you can still order your breakfast á la carte, if you are not that hungry or not in the mood to get your own food. We met as usual at 9am, so brunch was out of the question. And anyway, I am not a huge brunch fan, because I tend to overeat when there’s an unlimited quantity of food available. Although to be honest, that might not be a problem at Café Latte.
The coffee house has a long stretched dining room, but also a wonderful outdoor space in the adjacent courtyard. This is, I am sure, a great spot in summer.

indoors @Café Latte

courtyard @Café Latte
I ordered sweet potato roesti with soft boiled eggs and bacon. What an interesting combination and not something one usually sees on a breakfast menu in Vienna. To be honest, that was it with the excitement. I’ve not eaten something so bland since forever. Although there was bacon and roesti this was so boring.

sweet potato roesti with bacon and eggs @Café Latte
Maybe the bacon wasn’t fried enough, but also the roesti tasted more of carrots then sweet potatoes. Overall this was rather disappointing.
Unfortunately so was the Shakshuka. It was too liquid for his taste and what set him off was that the eggs were not cooked in the tomato sauce, but fried and then set on top. That is not a Shakshuka, that was something else completely.

Shakshuka @Café Latte
No matter my opinion though, Café Latte appears to be very popular and the place was completely booked for the brunch. Maybe it’s a good deal, maybe the other patrons have different needs when it comes to breakfast. I for one will not be back. Yours, Pollybert
Café Latte
1070 Wien, Neubaugasse 39
Tel: +43 1 5235509
Min-Sun: 08:00-23:00