Our last day on Mull started with a lot of rain again in the morning. So far we didn’t have one day without on this trip. When I eventually made it down to breakfast the sun was out and the weather gorgeous. The view over the bay of Tobermory from the Western Isles hotel was truly breathtaking.

Bay of Tobermory @Isle of Mull

close up of Tobermory @Isle of Mull
Due to the Mull rally and its many visitors, the island was ‘full’ with cars and we hadn’t been able to book a return ticket on the ferry from Craignure to Oban. Nonetheless we needed to get off the island that day to catch our flight on the next day. Therefore we only had the morning to explore Mull for a bit more. The plan was to line up at the Fishnish to Lochaline ferry latest at around 1pm to make sure that we would make it over. That route meant a longer drive, but there would be lots to see on the drive to Oban again.

just a bit of a detour getting back to Oban @Scotland
Once we left our hotel we stopped in Tobermory for a picture

Tobermory @Isle of Mull
and then headed to Calgary beach, which was basically south of Tobermory. The drive took a while due to the usual one lane roads on Mull, but was very scenic.

somewhere near Dervaig @Isle of Mull
Just two minutes later the sun was out in full and all of a sudden the landscape appeared in color.

bathed in color @Isle of Mull

so much water everywhere @Isle of Mull
Unfortunately the white sandy beach was nothing special. It had sounded promising, but once we arrived the sun had vanished again and the beach left me disappointed.

Calgary Beach @Isle of Mull
We stayed on the coast and drove on for a while in search of the Eas Fors waterfall.

along the Calgary Bay @Isle of Mull

Torloisk @Isle of Mull

the sun was out in full again @Isle of Mull
The waterfall was very impressive and the water came down fiercely. Standing next to it was really loud.

Eas Fors waterfall @Isle of Mull
The weather stayed glorious while we drove along Loch na Keal. This lake creates the smallest part of the Isle of Mull.

driving along Loch na Keal @Isle of Mull
We finally reached Salen on the Main road and turned west, heading in the wrong direction. Along the coast we saw a graveyard for old boats, which we must have missed the day before in the rain.

graveyard for old boats @Salen

three rotting boats @Salen
By then I got a little antsy and said I wanted to get to the ferry. We noticed our error and headed east to Fishnish. But one kilometer before the ferry all traffic stopped and we stood in line forever. We made it on the ferry shortly after 6pm, after a five hour wait and crossed over to Lochaline. It was really too bad that we didn’t have time to explore this area in more details, it looked stunning from the car.

Kingairloch @Fort William
Eventually we reached Ardgour and its ferry to cross over to Corran. That was the shortest ferry rider ever, last about ten minutes.

Ardgour in the distance @Fort William
We made it on to the ferry and the rest of the drive to Oban was too dark to see anything, so there was no chance for pictures either. I was just happy that we had made it at all, because when we left Fishnish on Mull there was still a long line behind us. Yours, Pollybert

making it on the ferry @Ardgour