What I learned in the southwest corner of Scotland

The trip to this corner of Scotland happened almost overnight. Usually we agree on a the destination long before and I plan most details long before. This time we changed our plans, instead of going to the Outer Hebrides we ended up in the southwest corner. Mull then happened more like an afterthought. And this was the crux of the problem. The planning was not up to my usual precise standard and happened more on the go.

So while I wondered why accommodation for the Isle of Mull was difficult to find, I didn’t ask anyone for a reason. We ended up visiting Mull during the Mull Rally, the busiest weekend of the year with lots of road closed due to the race. Really not the best conditions for a relaxed vacation. But you know what? We ended up having an amazing trip. Please enjoy therefore what I learned while driving around the southwestern corner of Scotland. Yours, Pollybert

1.) If an island is almost fully booked and it’s really hard to find a hotel, you should really ask yourself why.

2.) The car rally on mull is the event of the year. Therefore see above.

3.) Hotel dinners can be great, or a great failure.

4.) If a ferry is completely booked, see nr. 1.

5.) Follow the rules. Don’t be a tosser!

Don’t be a tosser @Ormidale Hotel

5.) Scottish people are the nicest people. Help is given immediately without questions asked.

6.) Sometimes it really rains all day long.

7.) Traveling by ferry is relaxing. But only if you have a ticket beforehand.

8.) Always bring something to read in case you need to wait for five hours in the ferry queue.

9.) When the sun shines Scotland is magical. No doubt about it

10.) The Scots know how to treat women.

Scottish wisdom found in the Oban Inn @Oban

11. ) Even in remote areas the traditional red telephone cells are no long in use and no longer bright red.

no longer in use @Kinlochspelve

12.) In southwestern area of Scotland I saw a lot of Gaelic (GĂ idhlig) signs along the roads and in villages. So glad that I could finally use some of the Gaelic I learned with Duolingo over the years.

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