While walking around in Belgrade I noticed many churches. Most of them are from the Orthodox church and therefore a bit dark inside. Which might come from age and the many candles, or maybe it’s just the dark icons. Because the Orthodox church can also look bright and shiny if it wants to.
The Cathedral Church of Saint Michael the Archangel was a rather dark and gloomy place, even though its door was invitingly open day and night. Apparently it’s better to see this one during the week, since on the weekend it’s popular for wedding, baptisms, and other what not religious festivities.

Cathedral Church of Saint Michael the Archangel at night @Belgrade

Cathedral Church of Saint Michael the Archangel @Belgrade

gloomy inside @Cathedral Church of Saint Michael the Archangel in Belgrade
When you get a little closer though, the paintings do not appear to be so dark and the cathedral looks a bit friendlier on the inside. In the front room there was a small devotional shop and a candle place. The church itself was stark in its simplicity. An empty room with a couple of seats on the side. At the altar area (not sure what you call that in a Orthodox Church) or at the front of the cathedral two icons and sarcophagi hidden underneath a red cover were prominently displayed. I am not sure who was in there, but it looked imposing.

sometimes you just need to get closer @Cathedral Church of Saint Michael the Archangel in Belgrade
We also found this small prayer nook in the cathedral. I am not really sure what’s the meaning of it since the catholic church doesn’t have anything like this.

the prayer nook all in red @Cathedral Church of Saint Michael the Archangel in Belgrade
The final resting place of Mihailo Obrenovic , a Prince of Serbia, was on the side with St. Michael on top. At least that’s what I thought since there was a dragon at his feet and considering the name of the cathedral.

the grave of Mihailo Obrenovic @Cathedral Church of Saint Michael the Archangel in Belgrade
While on a free walking tour we passed the St. Mark Orthodox Church. Right from the start you know that this is an orthodox church. Just look at the statue sitting outside.

statue of Patriarch Pavle @St. Mark Orthodox Church
The inside was rather plain and stark white, with a very colorful mosaic of Mary and Jesus up front. The church was modeled after the Gracanica monastery and according to the guide at least five churches similar to this one exist around the world. To be exact, wherever there is a large Serbian community.

simple interior @St. Mark Orthodox Church
The Church of Saint Sava, who was the third son of a Serbian king called Stephan, is the largest Orthodox church in Serbia but also ranks pretty high among the largest churches in the world. Saint Sava by the way was the founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church, probably the reason for his sainthood. How it looks from the front, you’ve already seen once. From the side it still has a ‘under construction’ touch, but you also realize how large the whole temple area is.

the church of St. Sava from the side @Belgrade
The construction of the church began in the 1930s and later had a building stop during WWII due to lack of funds. Of course the communists didn’t want to finish it either and only in 1984 the Orthodox community got the permission to continue building. The exterior was finished in 2017 and the interior was done between 2019-2021. Entering the church left me speechless, because it felt like a golden shrine. But unlike a shrine it’s a huge hall, in dazzling colors and very shiny. Yours, Pollybert

a huge chandelier in the middle of Saint Sava church @Belgrade

beautiful floor and so much gold @Saint Sava church

looking up into the dome @Saint Sava church