What I learned in the southwest corner of Scotland

The trip to this corner of Scotland happened almost overnight. Usually we agree on a the destination long before and…

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More impressions from the south-western corner of Scotland

Usually I like to keep my impressions post short and sweet. Okay, maybe not always. But when it comes to…

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Dunstaffnage Castle and Chapel

For our last day in Scotland I had planned to visit Dunstaffnage Castle. Fortunately we had managed to leave Mull…

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Driving around Mull and trying to leave the island

Our last day on Mull started with a lot of rain again in the morning. So far we didn’t have…

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What I learned in 2023

What a year 2023 has been! Difficult, challenging, but also full of opportunities. No matter what happened, my friends stuck…

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Where to eat along the road in Argyll and Bute and the Isle of Mull

It’s not always easy to find a place to eat while on the road, especially since lots of places close…

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Arriving on the Isle of Mull

After a full day driving around Kintyre and exploring Tarbert, we spent the night at Oban only to leave it…

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Tarbert – a picturesque village and a castle

After driving along the entire Kintyre peninsula all the way from Claonaig in the north, to the Dunaverty rock in…

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Exploring Kintyre – driving around the peninsula

When we left the Corrie Hotel on the Isle of Arran the sun was out and the day promised to…

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