I would not have thought that a three-day weekend in Opatija would warrant a “What I learned in …” post. But while writing the last couple of days the short trip came back in such vivid details that I figured I have something to say. There is always something new one learns while away. So here we go, this is what I learned while in Opatija. Yours, Pollybert
1.) The coast of the upper Adriatic sea is rocky. An investment in a pair of water shoes goes a long way.

on the beach with my new shoes @Opatija
2.) Traveling on a bus for more than six hours is torture. Next time I will take the train for such a distance. Having said that, I really like the enforced stillness of a bus travel. So much extra time to read.
3.) Traveling alone and then meeting friends at your destination is not the same as traveling alone.
4.) Instead of doors I took pictures of wrought-iron garden gates. Also lovely, so maybe I have to branch out. Will give it a thought.
5.) It’s not a great idea to always visit the same restaurant while on a trip (see number 3).
6.) I hadn’t realized how comfortable a hammock was until I had one for myself.

just for me and what a view @Opatija
7.) Off-season in Opatija really means off-season. I saw lots of trendy clubs and I am sure in summer time they are packed. But while I was there was only a black void. Good music though.
8.) My toes look definitely better with nail polish on them.
9.) Coffee tastes so much better when there is some salt in the air.