Going to Malaysia for a week was definitely too short. But when you only have five vacation days it’s better than nothing. So who am I to complain about a short vacation? Including the weekends it was more like ten days after all and what counts is that I had a good time. So Malaysia is quite different from other Southeast Asian countries. At least to my findings. Because of course I wrote down everything that I noticed. So here is what I learned while in Malaysia for a week. Yours, Pollybert
1.) Everybody speaks English. The radio is running all day in every cab and it’s also in English.
2.) When you go for coffee around noon, it can happen that go get a plate of fried fish with it.

fried fish snack @George Town
3.) There are never any napkins on the tables in a food court and you don’t get any with the food served. Are you supposed to lick your fingers?
4.) People are super friendly and always ready to talk to you.
5.) It’s hot and humid and most of time it felt as if the sun kept standing in the zenith for hours. There was never any shade in the city.
6.) Grab is the Uber of Malaysia. Don’t forget to download it before you go.
7.) Air fresheners for toilets are overrated. Just use orange peel.

orange peel works also as air freshener @George Town
8.) I don’t know how often I wrote that already, but I really should remember to book a hotel right at the beach. It just way more convenient. Especially when there are no loungers available for rent.

no loungers for this beach @Langkawi
9.) Power lines have more than one use. Sometimes they support the foliage which climbs up.

climbing plant on power line @George Town
10.) Children are important. So much so that they get their own toilet lid for public toilets. Never ever seen that anywhere else in the world so far.

a special seat for children @Malaysia
11.) The World Heritage part of George Town is one big no smoking zone.

no smoking in the historical center @George Town
12.) I usually dislike breakfast at a hotel and rather go somewhere local. But the fancy ‘Blue Mansion‘ also had fancy breakfast dishes. Definitely worth the calories.

coconut pancakes from The Blue Mansion @George Town