When you can’t dine in, it’s time for take out. After months of cooking at home and/or fasting, I was in need of a change. So when the announcement came from the Hausbar that they will have Vorarlberger Käsknöpfle, I was all for it.

announcement Käsknöpfle @Hausbar
Instead of taking the Knöpfle home and enjoying them alone in my kitchen, we decided to endure the cold. We got the Käsknöpfle ready made, with fried onions and chives on top, and hunkered down around the corner. While a cold drizzle made life miserable we inspected the goods. The all-in-one package included the Knöpfle and also potato salad, something that is typically for Vorarlberg. Not sure if I will ever get used to that because basically the whole thing becomes so a carb overkill.

the package @Hausbar
But of course once I opened the container I devoured everything in minutes. I mean it was cold and the food was not getting any warmer. And don’t we need an extra layer of fat to make it through winter?

Käsknöpfle with beer @Hausbar
Anyway, the Käsknöpfle are fantastic. Very tasty, with a nice stinky cheese, and a great ratio of cheese to Knöpfle. The salad was lovely as well . Still, I wouldn’t eat it together at home. Also in the takeout version, it definitely cools down the Knöpfle. So you have to eat even faster.
There is a desert with the takeout menu, unfortunately I can’t say anything about it. Due to my ongoing fasting last month I avoided sugar and gave it my friend. I had the beer though and after lunch as a schnaps. Didn’t work though because I fell into a food induced ‘coma’ in the afternoon on the couch (might have been the weather too). Which actually speaks for the quality of the Käsknöpfle and my couch.
Now to the good news: you can get the Käsknöpfle and other delicacies at their new pop-up store called Käsmann or at the Hausbar. Yours, Pollybert
1010 Wien, Karlsplatz 5
Tel: +43 664 75010417
Email: reservierung@hausbar-wien.at
Sat: 11:00-14:00
Käsmann Laden
1080 Wien, Lerchenfelder Straße 85
Fri-Sat: 10:00-18:00

pop-up shop @Käsmann