A winter walk in Vienna – am Bisamberg

There is no better time than the current to get to know one’s own city. Everyone is stuck at home, so let’s try to discover what Vienna has to offer. I knew that my city has extensive vineyards within its borders, but actually we have the largest of the world. No wonder we all like to drink wine here. The culture of going to a ‘Heurigen’ extends back to the Middle Ages and is listed as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. The Stadtwanderweg 5 leads you through one of these vineyard regions in Vienna.

starting the walk around the Bisamberg @Vienna

The plan was never to do the full round. Because honestly who wants to go walking for 10km in the city? The half round was not enough though for my friend Sylvia and she complained that I lost my vigor for walking. Understandably after trekking with her in Nepal and in Kyrgyzstan. But walking anywhere when there is no resting place waiting ahead, is kind of besides the point. I like to go up anywhere, as long as at the end I an sit down and enjoy some food and drink. Not so during a pandemic where everything is still in lock down. But never mind, I felt that half of the tour was enough exercise and it allowed me to spend the rest of the afternoon on the couch.

this is where we started for the Bisamberg tour @Vienna

The road turned to a cobbled street, with cars still passing us. Along the way closed wine cellars stood, making it clear where the name ‘Heurigenpfad’ derives from.

cobbled street @Vienna

lots of old wine cellars @Vienna

Eventually we came across the vineyards, you can’t just see them well enough in picture. But there are of course loads of them. Otherwise where would the wine come from?

vineyard @Vienna

I really believe that this city walk is so much better when the ‘Heurigen’ along the way are open and you can stop for a while. Also in every other season the landscape will look way more interesting. Unfortunately we can’t choose at the moment and are happy that we can leave the house. Even though it was just one long and boring walk, I had really nice company. Yours, Pollybert

walking with friends @Vienna

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