The Ringstrasse or ‘Der Ring’ as this boulevard is better known in Vienna got its current look in the second half of the 19th century. Until then Vienna was a lot smaller. An enlargement was necessary due to the growing population and the merging of the adjoining villages with the city. And this is how the Ringstrasse came to be. This boulevard is today a must-see for every tourist. Either you take the time to walk around it or use one of the trams.
We met for our tour around the ring at Schottenring which didn’t offer a lot to see. The first interesting memorial was the one at Morzinplatz. During WWII the Hotel Metropol was the Gestapo headquarter and nobody wanted to see it from the inside. This memorial is for all those who lost their lives through the hands of the Gestapo.

memorial for the people who died at the hands of the Gestapo @Vienna
Just a couple of steps further the Ruprechtskirche is showing between the trees. This is the oldest church in Vienna, its foundation fro either the end of the 8th century or beginning of the 9th. Anyway, it’s super old but very progressive! The rainbow flag was hanging long before pride month.

Ruprechtskirche with rainbow flag @Vienna
The Schwedenplatz derives its from the Swedish help Austria received after WWI. I am not sure what this help included, but some of you-know-it-all might do.

a beautiful house on Schwedenplatz @Vienna

the not so beautiful Schwedenplatz @Vienna
The Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs looked stark and imposing when we passed. Though the pictures don’t do this fact no justice. Since the sun was behind the building it appears just dark and grey.

Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs @Vienna
We got a better view on the former Postsparkasse. This Art Noveau building is from Otto Wagner and will eventually house different universities (Angewandte, Akademie der Wissenschaften, and the Linzer Kepler-Universität). So much better than the original plan to turn it into another hotel.

Austrian Postal Savings Bank @Vienna
The MAK aka Museum of Applied Arts was also on the wrong side of the Ring during our morning walk. This beautiful red brick building is lovely to look at when the sunshine is on it. But even in the shade there is something special about it.

Museum of Applied Arts @Vienna
Walking further along the Ring we left the Palais Coburg behind. My picture taken from the Ring didn’t do it any justice. It looked better when we went there for breakfast.

walking along the Ring @Vienna
The Schwarzenbergplatz offers an iconic tram station. Otherwise from the Ring side there is not much more to see. The fountain and the memorial for the unknown Russian soldier are already way back from the Ring.

beautiful old tram station @Vienna
And then we were almost right next to the Viennese State Opera House. What a impressive building. From the outside as from the inside. I still love looking at it whenever I pass it.

not a lot of traffic in front of the opera @Vienna
Next up was the monument of a reclining Goethe, just in front of the Burggarten.

a relaxed Goethe reclines in front of the Burggarten @Vienna
More walking along in the inside of the Ringstrasse followed,

strolling along the fence of the Burggarten @Vienna
passing Johan Strauss on the right side

Johann Strauss inside the Burggarten @Vienna
and the Natural History Museum on the left side.

Natural History Museum @Vienna
Eventually we stood in front of the arches which lead to the Heldenplatz and the Hofburg. They looked a lot better during the ‘Fridays for Future‘ demonstrations when climate activists climbed on top of them.

Heldentor @Vienna
The Austrian parliament is currently undergoing construction, so it will be a while until we can see this building again. Meanwhile it looks like an artwork from Christo and Jeanne-Claude.

Austrian parliament @Vienna
At least the Rathaus (City Hall) looked partly unwrapped and festively adorned. The socialist party held its ‘May 1st manifestation’ in a distanced pandemic related mode.

May 1st manifestion in front of the the City Hall @Vienna
While I took no notice of the Burgtheater this time, although it is right across from the City Hall, I got a very good shot of the University of Vienna. I had only one lecture in these hallow halls, but I remember fondly sitting on the floor to attend it. Maybe that’s why it took me forever to finish my degree.

university of Vienna @Austria
This was it with our walk around the Ring. There is really a lot to see, so take your time. And also turn around. Don’t forget that beautiful buildings are on both sides of the Ring. Anyway, walking here gets never boring. Even for the locals! Yours, Pollybert