
The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown: I’ve never really thought about rowing or that this sport would interest me. I mean if it is on TV during the Olympics and I am already watching, I wouldn’t switch it off. But it’s nothing I would seek out. After reading ‘The Boys in the Boat’ though I might just do that. This non-fiction book reads like excellent fiction. Sometimes life writes the best stories. The author knows how to keep the reader enthralled although the ending is out there. The boys won the gold medal in Berlin in 1936. But how they got there is a roller coaster.


Echtzeitalter by Tonio Schachinger: Even though my school years are eons ago, while reading this book I felt right back at my boarding school. All private schools are the same and apparently nothing has changed over the intervening years. Which is honestly appalling, because I was terrified of my Latin professor and I thought that these kinds of teachers have died out like the dinosaurs they already were in my times. But this book happened now, finished actually in 2020 during the beginning of the pandemic. It’s honestly frustrating that teachers without any educational training are still let loose on children. Loved the book!

When it’s real by Erin Watt: Oakley is an international superstar, think Justin Bieber at the height of his fame at 19, and Vaughn is your girl next door. They get set up by his agency for her to be his fake girlfriend. The whole thing is totally unreal as far as it comes to plot lines, but it was super entertaining for more than three quarters of the book. I really looked forward to reading, and my friend had to entertain herself on our trip. It’s just too bad that the ending falls a bit short. It felt rushed and dismissive to these likable characters. Still, I had a good time reading it.


What You Do To Me by Rochelle B. Weinstein: The second book in a row where music plays a big part. This time though it’s a story about a journalist chasing the story behind a song. Cecilia is right, there is story to discover and during her quest to uncover the truth she finds herself. Not only does she deal with her relationship to Pete, but also with the one to her father. I loved the story and that each chapter started with a song, all of these I need to listen to now. While reading I was much too busy to look them up. But now I will give them the time they deserve. Quick and lovely read.


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