What I learned in Flanders

Visiting new places means getting new experiences. After a wonderful weekend in Flanders, here is what I learned there (for…

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The doors of Flanders

I have been taking pictures of doors now for quite a while (see here and here for other door posts)…

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A Sunday in Ghent

Like the days before by 8am I was up and in the shower. I really wanted to get going and…

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Going to the sea

After the alarm of my roommate rang twice there was no point in being super quiet. This girl was really…

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Patrick Devos

A day of sightseeing left me tired and exhausted. So before I went out for dinner I took a power…

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Discovering Bruges on my own

Walking around in Bruges for ages made me hungry and tired. I really needed to rest and what better way…

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Walking through Bruges

My room-mate at the Lybeer hostel only showed up once during the night to say hi (just when I was…

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Leaving for Flanders

After my trip last year I promised myself that I would travel as often as possible this year, maybe even…

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