Sunday was the first of May and as it turned out, it was not only cold and raining but also devoid of any public life.

Place du Change @Lyon
Everything was closed, public transportation, shops, and almost all the museums. So we took our time and started late. Once we left the house though we were not seeing empty streets but one tourist group after another, all tramping in the old district in search of the traboules. We tried to look for them on our own but eventually just found it easier to follow the guided tours in the different houses, take some pictures and leave again.

traboule @Lyon

traboule @Lyon

traboule @Lyon
From the old city we crossed the Saone again and walked to the Hotel de Ville where we found a coffee-house that was open. It was not heated, actually totally uncomfortable but we were out of the rain and the coffee was hot. 30 minutes later we had to leave again since even this place wanted to close and celebrate Labour Day.
We had decided to walk up the ‘La Croix Rousse‘ (another hill in the city) since we had nothing better to do. On the way up we saw a demonstration which I immediately wanted to follow. Why I am so curious I don’t know, but it turned out to be way less exciting since it was only a manifestation for May 1st (something I wouldn’t be caught dead doing in Vienna). The manifestation lead us to a nice square though and a wide and open staircase which ended underneath another amphitheater.

manifestation @Lyon

stairs with lion @Lyon

amphitheater @Lyon
More stairs up to the Croix Rousse to discover that there was a market on Sunday (and on a national holiday to boot). But we had missed it by a couple of minutes and with it the chance to eat there. So having had no breakfast I convinced Susi to eat in the area. By then I was hungry even though we had this wonderful nine course meal the night before. I ordered the Anduillette sausage, a local speciality made from intestines and what not. ‘What not’ turned out to be tripe which I detest with fervor. I tried it though just so that I can say I did, but the smell and texture just about killed me. The vegetables were good though.

stairs Croix Rousse @Lyon

anduillette @Lyon
I survived the sausage and the following ‘descend’ down the hill and we walked back to our apartment with little stops here and there. We were in an area that we had already seen the day before but we tried to take different little streets and corners. As you can see Lyon is ready for the Euro 2016 (me too!!).

stairs Croix Rousse @Lyon

St. Nizier @Lyon

Place des Jacobines @Lyon

Pollybert @Lyon

ready for Euro 2016 @Lyon
We also walked into the Cathedral St. Jean Baptiste. What an impressive building, so tall and beautiful while I felt so small and insignificant there. Just imagine if these walls could talk what kind of stories they could tell.

Cathedral St. Jean Baptiste @Lyon

astronomical clock St. Jean Baptiste @Lyon

Cathedral St. Jean Baptiste @Lyon
Dinner this evening was at one of the brasseries from Mr. Paul Bocuse. We had initially reservations for L’Ouest but on passing Le Sud we changed to there. So much closer to our place and with no public transport it was a lot more convenient.

Pollybert and friend @Lyon
Bocuse seemed to be a real draw for all the tourists, the place was full and uninspiring (which happens when the guest are mostly tourists). To say I was disappointed is to put it mildly. The culinary hero of my youth had nothing in common with what I experienced that evening. The less said the better.
Walking home then was easy, it was just crossing the Saone and there was no more rain. The weather was already gearing up for a beautiful next day. Yours, Pollybert

Saone by night @Lyon