Traveling to Greece during a pandemic felt like something totally new. I mean, none of us has lived through that kind of thing. So everything I encountered was kind of a new experience. Or it least it felt like it after months of staying at home. I really missed traveling, that was definitely the hardest part for me. So after a week on Milos and a weekend in Athens these are the tips I came up with. Yours, Pollybert
1.) I forgot that the sun rises later in the south. What a nice surprise the first morning
2.) I can run really fast. On my first day there was a lot of wind. When the bill came I shoved 100Eur into the cover. Suddenly a gust of wind opened it and carried the bill away. Happily enough I saw it and caught it finally in the next alley. I guess it was a good omen for the trip. Call me lucky devil!
3.) I remembered that a sandy beach is perfect for sun bathing. There is no need to get a sun lounger. It’s also annoying as h*ll since the sand gets everywhere. So in the end a sun lounger would be welcome after all.
4.) Greek coffee really grew on me during this week. My usual espresso was no longer important, I figured to do it right while in country.

Greek coffee @Athens
5.) Apparently Milos has always a lot of wind. Easily recognizable by the permanent wind fixtures.

permanent wind fixtures at Rakomelo @Milos
6.) Nothing makes you appreciate the beach more than a day of sightseeing.
7.) You don’t know what sweating under a mask means until you sweat under one in Greece.
8.) Dogs are allowed on the beach during the high season. Not sure how much the dog loved it but I saw it going for a swim.

a dog on Firiplaka beach @Milos
9.) My plans can change in a minute, depending on where the bus is going and when. Call me flexible!
10.) Tap water in Athens is quite good. Also they bring you water right away when you sit down at a table. Really lovely and something I am only used to from Scandinavian countries.
11.) Although, and probably because, there are no COVID-10 cases on Milos, the wearing of a mask is strictly enforced on buses, boats and indoors. The same goes for Athens. Hurrah for that!
12.) I got more mosquito bites during my walking tour in Athens than all week on Milos.
13.) Ouzo is the perfect sun downer.

the beach of Pollonia with the perfect sun downer in hands @Milos
14.) Make the best out of an overlay in a city even though you only had a beach vacation planned. Athens was a fantastic part of my trip.
15.) On the ferry back to Athens I was sitting next to an Athenian and he had a great restaurant and dish recommendation. So on my first evening I walked to Klimataria Taverna and ordered Hunkar Beyendi. It was perfect, so always listen to the locals. They know best.

Hunkar Beyendi @Klimataria Taverna
16.) It’s worth the money to keep your room for another couple of hours, when the hotel has a pool, it’s summer, and your flight only leaves in the evening.

last hours at the pool before flying home @Athens