Fenster Café – coffee to go

Breakfast to go is not necessarily my cup of tea. Especially when the weather is not nice enough to sit down with your coffee and whatever else I get to eat. Therefore breakfast meetings at the moment consist of either tea from home or coffee from some place along the way. This weekend was different though because we met specifically to try the Fenster Café.

the way up to the Fenster Café @Vienna

The Fenster Café (or window coffee shop) has exactly one window through which coffee is sold. The baristas are inside, the customers outside. The café specializes in ‘Third Wave Coffee‘ which puts flavor, relationship with the producer (from seed to bean), and roasting techniques above price. High quality is a must. Coffee here comes in all kinds of variations and their Insta highlight is a ‘Cornettochino’. This coffee sits in a cone which has a chocolate coating inside. It does look great and I am sure the mix of milky coffee with slowly melting chocolate is fantastic.

Fenster Café @Vienna

Unfortunately I am an espresso drinker. And the coffee here is just not good. The crema on top is nice enough but the espresso is extremely sour. Both of us agreed that the coffee was not worth a trip to the Fenster Café. Since the café roasts its own beans, they also sell their own coffee. Not sure how that works out, but I was definitely not going to become a customer. Particularly because the coffee shop only sells coffee variations but nothing else.

different coffee beans for sale @Fenster Café

The best feature of the coffee house is the area around. So sadly I can only encourage you to use the café as a starting point when exploring the city. Forgo your warm drink here and rather walk two minutes longer and line up at Parémi. At least there they have delicious croissants (especially early in the morning) which are worth queuing for. Yours, Pollybert

Fenster Café
1010 Wien, Griechengasse 10
Tel: +43 681 849 000 24
Email: buro@fenster.cafe
Mon-Sun: 08:00-20:00

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