I used Interbus again to leave La Fortuna after two full days of adventures in the area. My tours of the hanging bridges and the national park of the river Celeste were certainly memorable. But now it was time to move on, new adventures waited just around the corner. Maybe not so much around the corner, since I had to change bus in Limonal (which is kind of a back and forth). Best thing about the changing station were the parrots up in the trees. When I walked back to the bus, one of the drivers indicated that the birds now relaxed in the garden next door. Best time ever to get a good close-up of them.

parrots hanging around @Limonal
There were only four of us going to Monteverde, so the bus ride was very comfortable. I arrived at Cabinas El Pueblo B&B around noon and immediately booked my Monteverde Extremo Park experience, a zip-lining adventure. Pick up was at 1:30 and I was so ready to go. Everyone on the road had told me that the Extremo Park was the best in all of Costa Rica. Since zip-lining in Laos, I was hooked on this kind of feeling. The pick-up bus was quite full when I got in and funnily enough, with the people inside I would spend the best afternoon. Shared experiences are just fusing you together.
At the Extremo Park office I got my gear and was told that unfortunately I couldn’t bring a backpack. So no pictures from my camera. Since I still haven’t invested in a gopro or anything like it, I was depending on other people for pictures. After a short instruction they let us out into the zip-lining world. Eleven zip-lines awaited us, including one over 1km in length where you could fly like Superman. The scenery all around was stunning and the friendly banter with the people from the bus made it into an unforgettable experience.
What made the Extremo Park extreme was a Tarzan swing. Basically they drop you from the top and then you swing for a bit. Until you break very hard. The drop was a terrifying experience for me and I definitely didn’t feel ready for it. Not sure if I will ever repeat that. But watch for yourself and hear me scream like a banshee.

amazing view while zip-lining @Monteverde Extremo Park

looking happy upon arrival @Monteverde Extremo Park
Since the afternoon was so enjoyable, I joined the group for dinner and we all went to Soda La Amistad. Basically all sodas serve the same food more or less, but I quite like the simple food. rice beans, salad, and a small piece of meat. After a swing to the supermarket for an extra beer I went back to Cabinas El Pueblo B&B to sit on my balcony for a bit and relax. There is not much happening in Monteverde, this is really a place to enjoy nature.
Which is what I had planned for the next day. A tour of the Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve was on my schedule. Taking a leaf out of La Fortuna’s playbook, I decided that I would get a guided tour. It makes a lot more sense to have someone tell you what’s there to see. Because otherwise you might not see anything. I spent my morning with the guided tour and afterwards spent another hour roaming around the reserve on my own.
Coming back to Monteverde, I needed some rest time before I met Judith (the girl I met on the way to La Fortuna) for coffee. It had started to rain and I finally understood why the area is called cloud forest. Everything was shrouded in a fine mist in no time at all. It’s really too bad that I didn’t see that while walking around the reserve.

sudden upcoming mist @Monteverde

limited sight @Monteverde
For the evening Judith and I had a night walk together. Since the rain hadn’t let up it was a rather wet affair. So what was there to do after a soggy walk in the dark. Go for a drink and this is exactly what we did. We ended the evening with Mojito and said goodbye. Both of us had a week left but different destinations ahead of us. Yours, Pollybert

mojitos with Judith @Restaurante Tree House