Is there really anything new to learn, notice, appreciate after having been to Thailand twice? Yes, third time is the charm. I certainly believe in making lists of my findings. Or things I finally learned about myself. Sometimes this is the hardest to accept, to reflect, and to notice weird stuff about oneself. Not easy to face it then and subsequently change anything. Nevermind, this isn’t a coaching session. That is just me rambling on before I start with my list. Yours, Pollybert
1.) Visiting a friend abroad with no agenda for sightseeing is the best! Really, that has already happened in Budapest and Bangkok with her was a dream as well. Thanks P!

P and Pollybert, a bit worse for the heat but happy in Hua Hin @Thailand
2.) I should acknowledge the fact that I am quite addicted to my phone. Although I love to read I spent an enormous time just playing games or checking social media sites. Probably need a detox vacation somewhere without wi-fi.
3.) Why didn’t I stop scratching my sand fly bites while they still looked reasonably healthy? As a result I now have spots like a leopard next to my scar from the lava tunnel snorkeling.
4.) Ordering a triple chocolate milkshake with whipped cream is never a good idea (but so delicious)!

triple chocolate milkshake with whipped cream @Hua Hin
5.) So, Christmas season in Thailand goes only ‘a little’ overboard. You can check out the gingerbread man in action here.

gingerbread man @Bangkok
6.) Never ever lie in the sand where no one else does. It might result in a health hazard (see #3).

avoid to lie in the sand @Hua Hin
7.) Having no plans and seeing nothing except the beach is besides a holiday above all a reboot for the soul.
8.) Sometimes the best beach food is a club sandwich with fries. Also, it’s tasty in every country.

club sandwich on the beach @Hua Hin
9.) The restaurants and bars in the Sukhumvit area are definitely as expensive as back home.
10.) I really enjoyed the comfort and the beautiful surroundings at the Devasom Hua Hin Resort. Maybe it’s an age thing, but in short I might give these boutique hotels more often a try.
11.) If you order your food regular spicy, beware! It’s spicy. Subsequently you may see excessive sweating and tearing up.
12. Also never order Thai omelette. The only difference is that it has been re-fried. Really, it’s not worth excessive fat and thus the calories.
12.) In conclusion, taking a break from winter in Thailand was a great idea! Worth repeating!